Book "The Incredible Frogs of Brazil"
Discover the Incredible Frogs of Brazil! A unique book that presents the main species of frogs that live in Brazil in a playful way through hand-drawn drawings with a unique and fun style!
Educating future generations about biodiversity is a crucial step towards building a society that values and preserves the environment. The topic of frogs, although often associated with prejudice and repulsion, offers a unique opportunity to raise awareness among children about the importance of fauna and ecological balance. Brazil, known for its immense wealth of amphibian species, has great educational potential through exploring the curiosities and characteristics of these animals.
This project aims to demystify negative perceptions and encourage a positive connection with nature from childhood. It will allow children to understand the fundamental role of frogs in ecosystems, promoting environmental awareness and the appreciation of biodiversity.
Only available in Brazil and in Portuguese.
Size 20 x 20 cm, fully colored, with flexible binding that provides malleability and durability, 64 pages. Publisher Hellograf.