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I'm a biologist with a Master's degree in Natural Resources and Ecology from UFSCar. I work on various ornithological studies, including bird monitoring and surveys. In the field, I strive to document as much as possible to generate information that supports scientific research. Like any ornithologist, I also deeply admire birdwatching, and occasionally serve as a birding guide. It's always a great pleasure to help people appreciate and learn about birds, while also understanding the importance of their conservation.


For the love of ornithology, I have always been involved in environmental education projects related to birds, primarily through the use of illustrations. I create illustrations using gouache and acrylic inks on paper or canvas. In addition to environmental education and scientific studies, these drawings are also used for products such as pictures, mugs, and other items, through which I aim to promote art and Brazilian species.


To learn more about my academic background, please refer to the links below

Fotografia do biólogo Fernando Igor de Godoy observando aves com o binóculo.
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